I love Led Zeppelin. I believe they are the greatest musical outfit of all time. But they're not my favourite artist. They probably wouldn't even come in my Top 5. When it comes to actors I feel a similar way; if I was to do a Top 5 I'll probably go for the pretty obvious choices; Pacino, Nicholson, Brando, etc. But my personal favourite actor at the moment (and has been for a while) is Midlands born indie hero, Paddy Considine. Every film I have seen Considine in he outweighs and steals the show. Here are my top 3 Paddy Considine Performances:
'Morell' in A Room for Romeo Brass (1999) Dir. Shane Meadows
Paddy's debut in acting is undoubtedly one of his most memorable performances, playing Morell in this Shane Meadows indie classic. Morell is a confused oddball who yearns importance and companionship in his small district in Nottingham. Paddy brings out a laugh-out-loud funny performance whilst being genuinely scary at the same time.
'Richard' in Dead Man's Shoes (2004) Dir. Shane Meadows
Dead Man's Shoes has often been described as 'Taxi Driver set in the Midlands'. Rightfully so. Considine's portrayal as Richard is like having our very own Travis Bickle (who drinks tea instead of coffee). Hella intense, this is arguably one of the best performances I've seen, probably ever on screen. Considine more than often plays more comedic roles but in Dead Man's Shoes he's stone serious and we've never forgot about it since.'Alfie' in Last Resort (2000) Dir. Pawel Pawilkowski
A lesser known movie and lesser known performance by Considine; Last Resort is the story of a Russian woman and son who illegally come to England in hope to find her fiance. However, when he doesn't turn up she and her son are forced to live in political asylum. Considine plays Alfie, a well known man around the area however a soft and regretful man also. A more laid back performance than the previously mentioned however it shows Considine's humble side and he's ability to still deliver.
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